Sylius 1.14-dev
29 vulnérabilités sur 10 paquets ont été trouvés
1 paquets abandonnés ont été trouvés
29 vulnérabilités sur 10 paquets ont été trouvés
high Twig has a possible sandbox bypass
Versions affectées : >=3.0.0,<3.14.0|>=2.0.0,<2.16.1|>=1.0.0,<1.44.8Versions patchées : 1.44.8 2.16.1 3.14.0
low Unguarded calls to __isset() and to array-accesses when the sandbox is enabled
Versions affectées : >=1.0.0,<2.0.0|>=2.0.0,<3.0.0|>=3.0.0,<3.11.2|>=3.12.0,<3.14.1Versions patchées : 3.11.2 3.14.1
low Unguarded calls to __toString() when nesting an object into an array
Versions affectées : >=1.0.0,<2.0.0|>=2.0.0,<3.0.0|>=3.0.0,<3.11.2|>=3.12.0,<3.14.1Versions patchées : 3.11.2 3.14.1
1 symfony/http-client —— v6.4.7 +
low CVE-2024-50342: Internal address and port enumeration allowed by NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient
Versions affectées : >=4.3.0,<4.4.0|>=4.4.0,<5.0.0|>=5.0.0,<5.1.0|>=5.1.0,<5.2.0|>=5.2.0,<5.3.0|>=5.3.0,<5.4.0|>=5.4.0,<5.4.46|>=6.0.0,<6.1.0|>=6.1.0,<6.2.0|>=6.2.0,<6.3.0|>=6.3.0,<6.4.0|>=6.4.0,<6.4.14|>=7.0.0,<7.1.0|>=7.1.0,<7.1.7Versions patchées : 5.4.46 6.4.14 7.1.7 5.4.46 6.4.14 7.1.7
1 symfony/http-foundation —— v6.4.7 +
low CVE-2024-50345: Open redirect via browser-sanitized URLs
Versions affectées : >=2.0.0,<3.0.0|>=3.0.0,<4.0.0|>=4.0.0,<5.0.0|>=5.0.0,<5.1.0|>=5.1.0,<5.2.0|>=5.2.0,<5.3.0|>=5.3.0,<5.4.0|>=5.4.0,<5.4.46|>=6.0.0,<6.1.0|>=6.1.0,<6.2.0|>=6.2.0,<6.3.0|>=6.3.0,<6.4.0|>=6.4.0,<6.4.14|>=7.0.0,<7.1.0|>=7.1.0,<7.1.7Versions patchées : 5.4.46 6.4.14 7.1.7 5.4.46 6.4.14 7.1.7
high CVE-2024-51736: Command execution hijack on Windows with Process class
Versions affectées : >=2.0.0,<3.0.0|>=3.0.0,<4.0.0|>=4.0.0,<5.0.0|>=5.0.0,<5.1.0|>=5.1.0,<5.2.0|>=5.2.0,<5.3.0|>=5.3.0,<5.4.0|>=5.4.0,<5.4.46|>=6.0.0,<6.1.0|>=6.1.0,<6.2.0|>=6.2.0,<6.3.0|>=6.3.0,<6.4.0|>=6.4.0,<6.4.14|>=7.0.0,<7.1.0|>=7.1.0,<7.1.7Versions patchées : 5.4.46 6.4.14 7.1.7 5.4.46 6.4.14 7.1.7
1 symfony/security-bundle —— v6.4.7 +
low CVE-2024-50341: Security::login does not take into account custom user_checker
Versions affectées : >=6.2.0,<6.3.0|>=6.3.0,<6.4.0|>=6.4.0,<6.4.10|>=7.0.0,<7.0.10|>=7.1.0,<7.1.3Versions patchées : 6.4.10 7.0.10 7.1.3 6.4.10 7.0.10 7.1.3
1 symfony/validator —— v6.4.7 +
low CVE-2024-50343: Incorrect response from Validator when input ends with ` `
Versions affectées : >=2.0.0,<3.0.0|>=3.0.0,<4.0.0|>=4.0.0,<5.0.0|>=5.0.0,<5.1.0|>=5.1.0,<5.2.0|>=5.2.0,<5.3.0|>=5.3.0,<5.4.0|>=5.4.0,<5.4.43|>=6.0.0,<6.1.0|>=6.1.0,<6.2.0|>=6.2.0,<6.3.0|>=6.3.0,<6.4.0|>=6.4.0,<6.4.11|>=7.0.0,<7.1.0|>=7.1.0,<7.1.4Versions patchées : 5.4.43 6.4.11 7.1.4 5.4.43 6.4.11 7.1.4
1 symfony/security-http —— v6.4.7 +
high CVE-2024-51996: Authentication Bypass via persisted RememberMe cookie
Versions affectées : >=5.3.0,<5.4.0|>=5.4.0,<5.4.47|>=6.0.0,<6.1.0|>=6.1.0,<6.2.0|>=6.2.0,<6.3.0|>=6.3.0,<6.4.0|>=6.4.0,<6.4.15|>=7.0.0,<7.1.0|>=7.1.0,<7.1.8Versions patchées : 5.4.47 6.4.15 7.1.8
1 sylius/sylius —— 1.14.x-dev +
medium Sylius allows unrestricted brute-force attacks on user accounts
Versions affectées : <=2.0.2Versions patchées :
critical In PHP version 8.0.* before 8.0.30, 8.1.* before 8.1.22, and 8.2.* before 8.2.8, when loading phar file, while reading PHAR directory entries, insufficient length checking may lead to a stack buffer overflow, leading potentially to memory corruption or RCE.
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critical In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.31, 8.2.* before 8.2.26, 8.3.* before 8.3.14, uncontrolled long string inputs to ldap_escape() function on 32-bit systems can cause an integer overflow, resulting in an out-of-bounds write.
* []( In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.29, 8.2.* before 8.2.20, 8.3.* before 8.3.8, when using Apache and PHP-CGI on Windows, if the system is set up to use certain code pages, Windows may use "Best-Fit" behavior to replace characters in command line given to Win32 API functions. PHP CGI module may misinterpret those characters as PHP options, which may allow a malicious user to pass options to PHP binary being run, and thus reveal the source code of scripts, run arbitrary PHP code on the server, etc.
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high In PHP 8.0.X before 8.0.28, 8.1.X before 8.1.16 and 8.2.X before 8.2.3, core path resolution function allocate buffer one byte too small. When resolving paths with lengths close to system MAXPATHLEN setting, this may lead to the byte after the allocated buffer being overwritten with NUL value, which might lead to unauthorized data access or modification.
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high In PHP 8.0.X before 8.0.28, 8.1.X before 8.1.16 and 8.2.X before 8.2.3, excessive number of parts in HTTP form upload can cause high resource consumption and excessive number of log entries. This can cause denial of service on the affected server by exhausting CPU resources or disk space.
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high In PHP versions 8.0.* before 8.0.30, 8.1.* before 8.1.22, and 8.2.* before 8.2.8 various XML functions rely on libxml global state to track configuration variables, like whether external entities are loaded. This state is assumed to be unchanged unless the user explicitly changes it by calling appropriate function. However, since the state is process-global, other modules - such as ImageMagick - may also use this library within the same process, and change that global state for their internal purposes, and leave it in a state where external entities loading is enabled. This can lead to the situation where external XML is parsed with external entities loaded, which can lead to disclosure of any local files accessible to PHP. This vulnerable state may persist in the same process across many requests, until the process is shut down.
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high In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.31, 8.2.* before 8.2.26, 8.3.* before 8.3.14, due to an error in convert.quoted-printable-decode filter certain data can lead to buffer overread by one byte, which can in certain circumstances lead to crashes or disclose content of other memory areas.
* []( In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.31, 8.2.* before 8.2.26, 8.3.* before 8.3.14, when using streams with configured proxy and "request_fulluri" option, the URI is not properly sanitized which can lead to HTTP request smuggling and allow the attacker to use the proxy to perform arbitrary HTTP requests originating from the server, thus potentially gaining access to resources not normally available to the external user.
* []( In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.29, 8.2.* before 8.2.20, 8.3.* before 8.3.8, the fix for CVE-2024-1874 does not work if the command name includes trailing spaces. Original issue: when using proc_open() command with array syntax, due to insufficient escaping, if the arguments of the executed command are controlled by a malicious user, the user can supply arguments that would execute arbitrary commands in Windows shell.
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medium The parse_str function in (1) PHP, (2) Hardened-PHP, and (3) Suhosin, when called without a second parameter, might allow remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary variables by specifying variable names and values in the string to be parsed. NOTE: it is not clear whether this is a design limitation of the function or a bug in PHP, although it is likely to be regarded as a bug in Hardened-PHP and Suhosin.
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medium In PHP 8.0.X before 8.0.28, 8.1.X before 8.1.16 and 8.2.X before 8.2.3, password_verify() function may accept some invalid Blowfish hashes as valid. If such invalid hash ever ends up in the password database, it may lead to an application allowing any password for this entry as valid.
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medium In PHP versions 8.0.* before 8.0.29, 8.1.* before 8.1.20, 8.2.* before 8.2.7 when using SOAP HTTP Digest Authentication, random value generator was not checked for failure, and was using narrower range of values than it should have. In case of random generator failure, it could lead to a disclosure of 31 bits of uninitialized memory from the client to the server, and it also made easier to a malicious server to guess the client's nonce.
* []( The openssl_private_decrypt function in PHP, when using PKCS1 padding (OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING, which is the default), is vulnerable to the Marvin Attack unless it is used with an OpenSSL version that includes the changes from this pull request: (rsa_pkcs1_implicit_rejection). These changes are part of OpenSSL 3.2 and have also been backported to stable versions of various Linux distributions, as well as to the PHP builds provided for Windows since the previous release. All distributors and builders should ensure that this version is used to prevent PHP from being vulnerable. PHP Windows builds for the versions 8.1.29, 8.2.20 and 8.3.8 and above include OpenSSL patches that fix the vulnerability.
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medium In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.29, 8.2.* before 8.2.20, 8.3.* before 8.3.8, due to a code logic error, filtering functions such as filter_var when validating URLs (FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) for certain types of URLs the function will result in invalid user information (username + password part of URLs) being treated as valid user information. This may lead to the downstream code accepting invalid URLs as valid and parsing them incorrectly.
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5 apache/http_server —— 2.4.58 +
critical Substitution encoding issue in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows attacker to execute scripts in directories permitted by the configuration but not directly reachable by any URL or source disclosure of scripts meant to only to be executed as CGI. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue. Some RewriteRules that capture and substitute unsafely will now fail unless rewrite flag "UnsafeAllow3F" is specified.
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critical Vulnerability in core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier are vulnerably to information disclosure, SSRF or local script execution via backend applications whose response headers are malicious or exploitable. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.
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high HTTP/2 incoming headers exceeding the limit are temporarily buffered in nghttp2 in order to generate an informative HTTP 413 response. If a client does not stop sending headers, this leads to memory exhaustion.
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high null pointer dereference in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to crash the server via a malicious request. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.
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high SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows with mod_rewrite in server/vhost context, allows to potentially leak NTML hashes to a malicious server via SSRF and malicious requests. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62 which fixes this issue.
* []( paquets abandonnés ont été trouvés
Paquet abandonné | Remplacement suggéré |
php-http/message-factory | psr/http-factory |